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Friday 26th July 11:30am

CNC Emmanuel Church, GL53 7PJ


Ever wanted to take Ukulele performing to the next level with an open mic or festival performance? 


Too nervous you'll mess it up?

Don't think you're ready?

Cant remember words or chords?

Never been in front of a mic before? 

Petrified of hundreds of eyes starting at you?


This workshop is your chance to work through those fears and arm yourself with everything you need psychologically, physically and logistically to step up into a stage, perform and then step down with your head held high.


Matt Hicks has been performing for over 30 years with audiences between 1-800 people in various venues. He'll guide you through mental techniques and psychology of performing. The workshop will also look at microphone technique, equipment and stage set up. 


This workshop won't turn you into a ready made international performing artist but it will set you up on one wild journey of performing. 

Matt Hicks - Hit The Boards

  • We will not be issuing physical tickets for workshops. Simply give your name on the door and you're ready to join in the fun!

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